Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Bank Robbery!!!

It was an ordinary day at the UFJ bank and nobody knew that an unusual thing was going to happen. My friend Keke and I went to UFJ bank in Osaka. Keke was carrying a big bag and a long umbrella on her arm. When I was making a deposit, a man wearing a glass walked in. He walked towards the window. Then he pulled out a gun and asked for money. Everybody was afraid. He got two big bags of money. When he was trying to run away, my friend Keke hit him with an umbrella. The bank robber fell down on the ground. Soon, the policeman came and caught the robber. Everybody clapped. Bank director gave a reward to Keke. Keke and I were very happy.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I'm relieved you and Keke weren't injured at all and things went well.
